Saturday, July 09, 2011

Going To Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film (2006)

Tonight we watched this excellent horror documentary about the origins of the slasher film. It was fantastic! Very thorough & filled with insightful interviews from horror greats like John Carpenter (Halloween), Wes Craven (A Nightmare On Elm Street), Sean Cunningham (Friday the 13th) & Paul Lynch (Prom Night). I particularly enjoyed the bits with Tom Savini, who takes joy in his job & described his effects with the blood-lusty delight that I love seeing in a true horror fan. The doc spanned the films made between the late 70s & mid 80s, but did touch upon 1960s horror & current horror gurus - like Rob Zombie (who is also in the doc, making sexy & astute observations) & Eli Roth.

I have such nostalgia lately for my early days of horror love. Last year I was all about current horror & discovered some true gems that were made over the past 10 years, but right now I just want to immerse myself in all the horror that shaped my depravity, this documentary really kicked the nostalgia into high-gear, if you're a fan of 1980s horror it'll do the same for you.

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